The Brotherhood Program is a comprehensive plan Alpha Gamma Rho adopted in 1992 to eliminate hazing and equip members with the resources and experiences needed to achieve superior lifelong personal development and professional success. The Pillars are the four fundamental elements of the Brotherhood Program and through it, are the foundation of the Fraternity.
The Brotherhood Program
National Leaders designed the Brotherhood Program with the understanding that every member is an equal contributor based solely upon ability and experience. It ended the Alpha Gamma Rho pledge program entirely. Instead, chapters initiate new members within 72 hours of offering membership. New initiates are full members and connected with their Big Brother, an experienced member of the chapter, from that point forward. An individualized curriculum guides brothers through the fraternity and college life cycle in an environment uniquely enhanced by chapters and maintained by the Brotherhood Program's parameters.
- No more pledging
- If required of a freshman, it must be required of a senior
- No dominant/subservient relationships
- Rewards must be based on objective criteria and must not encourage class division
A culture grown within parameters set by the Brotherhood Program surrounds members with influences that foster the highest values, lifelong connections, and opportunities for transformational growth. Fraternal bonds strengthen the local chapter experience, as Little Brothers and Big Brothers drive one another towards excellence in scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and workmanship.
Recruit • Commit • Educate • Recognize
The Four Pillars, built upon a firm foundation, support and maintain the integrity of this brotherhood. Each pillar, a cornerstone for success, an established principle all members of Alpha Gamma Rho pledge to live by through the Covenant.
Every member is required to sign the Covenant, available here, upon initiation.

The adoption of the Brotherhood Program was a defining moment for Alpha Gamma Rho, and a historic moment for Greek Life. Because of this program, Alpha Gamma Rho is the first fraternity to end pledging nationwide. It changed the philosophy on fraternity and ushered in an era of growth unlike any AGR had experienced before. In 1992, Alpha Gamma Rho did more than eliminate pledging; it redefined the fraternity experience.