Non-Designated Funds
Non-Designated gifts support the National Fraternity and provide resources and programming to all Alpha Gamma Rho chapters. Gifts with no specific designation (i.e. Loyalty Fund for AGR) at the time of donation support operations and programs of the Foundation with no gifting or management fee.
Through non-designated gifts, the Educational Foundation can assist the National Fraternity with projects that serve the needs of multiple chapters. With support from these gifts, the National Fraternity assembles programs that individual chapters could not efficiently do alone. Some of these programs include:
- Adviser Forum
- Chapter Strategic Planning Sessions
- Leadership Seminar
- Matching Funds to Chapters
- Undergraduate Achievement Awards
- Recruitment School
Designated Endowment Funds
Designated Endowment Funds can include achievement awards to chapter members who accomplish academic, leadership, and/or citizenship achievements, educational and/or leadership grants for expenses not covered from other sources for chapter officers or members, Chapter Advisers, Housemothers/House Directors, and members of the Alumni Association to attend Leadership Seminars, and other educational and/or leadership events sponsored by Alpha Gamma Rho.
Designated Endowment Funds can also be used for grants to purchase computer hardware and software to be used for educational purposes, grants to purchase educational and/or leadership materials and services for appropriate educational activities, and grants of funds for scholarships at the university for members and potential members.
Designated to a Specific Chapter
Permanent or endowed funds are internally managed and locally directed. They serve a perpetual purpose such as providing scholarships for a chapter, or funding specific programs customized to a chapter’s unique needs.
Designated to a Specific Program
Fund training tools and programs which focus on personal growth, responsibility and leadership of members. Examples of these programs are AGRconnect or Sayre Fund Grants.
Chapter Assistance Program
The Educational Foundation of Alpha Gamma Rho offers the Chapter Assistance Program to assist alumni corporations in providing educational facilities in major construction or renovation projects for chapters. The Housing Funds are short-term, temporary in nature, and focused primarily on major chapter house renovations or construction.