Located in Kansas City, Missouri, Alpha Gamma Rho Home Office is National Headquarters of the Fraternity and Educational Foundation. It is led by brothers and friends of AGR to enrich the lifelong fraternity experience, performing day-to-day operations that cultivate the development of programs To Make Better Men. Find roles, contact information, and responsibilities below.
Home Office Staff
- Adviser Appointments
- Anita Leone, ext. 122
- Adviser Forum
- Ben Willoughby, ext. 119
- Adviser Program Support
- Matthew Fischer, ext. 112; Douglas Krenzer, ext. 135; Logan Leen, ext. 127; Justin Nichols, ext. 126; Ben Willoughby, ext. 119
- Ag Dean Updates
- Anita Leone, ext. 122
- AGRconnect™
- Amanda Horvat, Ph.D., ext. 124
- Alumni Corporation Updates
- Anita Leone, ext. 122
- Alumni/Donor Relations
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Alumni Lists & Reports
- Anita Leone, ext. 122; Michelle Lynn, ext. 114
- AlphaGammaRho.org
- Amanda Horvat, Ph.D., ext. 124
- Annual Loyalty Fund Giving & Support
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Awards Selection
- Grant Bargfrede, ext. 120
- Awards Coordination
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Brand & Logos
- [email protected]
- Capital Campaign Efforts
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Campaign Pledge Billing
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Chapter Assistance Program
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Chapter Reports
- Grant Bargfrede, ext. 120; Matthew Fischer, ext. 112; Douglas Krenzer, ext. 135; Logan Leen, ext. 127; Justin Nichols, ext. 126; Ben Willoughby, ext. 119
- Chapter Scholarship Fund
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Chapter Visits/Programming
- Grant Bargfrede, ext. 120; Matthew Fischer, ext. 112; Douglas Krenzer, ext. 135; Logan Leen, ext. 127; Justin Nichols, ext. 126; Ben Willoughby, ext. 119
- Convention - General
- Grant Bargfrede, ext. 120; Becky Haley, ext. 117; Rex Martin ext. 118
- Contribution Entry & Acknowledgment
- Anita Leone, ext. 122
- Corporate Partnerships
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Database Management & Support
- Anita Leone, ext. 122; Michelle Lynn, ext. 114
- Educational Foundation Donor Recognition
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext 121
- Educational Foundation General/Giving Support
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext 121
- Educational Foundation Loyalty Fund
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Endowment Establishment & Oversight
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Executive Assistant to CEO
- Becky Haley, ext. 117
- Exhibit - Recruitment Booth
- Matthew Fischer, ext. 112; Douglas Krenzer, ext. 135; Logan Leen, ext. 127; Justin Nichols, ext. 126; Ben Willoughby, ext. 119
- Expulsions/Transfers/Reinstatements
- Anita Leone, ext. 122
- Fund Quarterly Reports
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Golden Crescents
- Michelle Lynn, ext. 114
- Housemother/House Director
- Cindra Brandl, [email protected]
- Housemother/House Director Support
- Matthew Fischer, ext. 112; Douglas Krenzer, ext. 135; Logan Leen, ext. 127; Justin Nichols, ext. 126; Ben Willoughby, ext. 119
- Incidents
- Grant Bargfrede ext. 120; Rex Martin, ext. 118
- Initiations
- Anita Leone, ext. 122
- Labels & Printouts
- Anita Leone, ext. 122
- Leadership Development & Education
- Amanda Horvat, Ph.D., ext. 124
- Leadership Seminar Programming
- Grant Bargfrede, ext. 120; Ben Willoughby, ext. 119
- Leadership Seminar Site Selection
- Grant Bargfrede, ext. 120; Beky Haley, ext.117
- Leadership Seminar/Recruitment School Assistance
- Matthew Fischer, ext. 112; Douglas Krenzer, ext. 135; Logan Leen, ext. 127; Justin Nichols, ext. 126; Ben Willoughby, ext. 119
- Liability Insurance
- Grant Bargfrede, ext. 120
- Local Fundraising Support
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Matching Funds
- Carol Johnson Ed.D., ext. 121
- Membership/Profile Updates
- Anita Leone, ext.122; Michelle Lynn ext. 114
- Merchandise Orders
- Michelle Lynn, ext. 114
- National Directory
- [email protected]
- Planned Giving
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Recruitment Assistance
- Grant Bargfrede, ext. 120
- Ritual/Ceremonies
- Grant Bargfrede, ext. 120
- RVP Support
- Matthew Fischer, ext. 112; Douglas Krenzer, ext. 135; Logan Leen, ext. 127; Justin Nichols, ext. 126; Ben Willoughby, ext. 119
- S&S e-brief
- Madeline Mapes, [email protected]
- Scholarship Establishment & Oversight
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext. 121
- Scholarship Selection & Disbursement
- Carol Johnson, Ed.D., ext 121
- SICKLE & SHEAF Magazine
- Madeline Mapes, [email protected]
- Social Media
- [email protected]
- Sportswear-AGR Spirit
- Bob Marshall, 1-800-321-7747
- Top Leaders Institute
- Amanda Horvat, Ph.D., ext. 124