Several Alpha Gamma Rho chapters across the United States have held or will be holding another round of cattle shows this year to kick off the holiday season.
Beta Chapter (Ohio State), Kappa Chapter (Nebraska-Lincoln) and Beta Nu Chapter (Texas A&M) all hosted cattle shows this month and Eta Chapter (Iowa State) is gearing up for their own show in March 2025.
Brother Will Herd of Beta Nu Chapter said he grew up showing cattle and decided he wanted to provide that opportunity to youth through Beta Nu’s cattle show. He explained that the chapter held cattle shows up until roughly three years prior. Using his experience in cattle shows, he decided to revive the event.
“Early November I told them let's do their show and have a jackpot show, but let me handle it,” Brother Herd said.
The chapter put the show together using a lot of Brother Herd’s contacts and experiences from his time showing livestock. He said the two-day event consisted of two rings with two judges. More than 170 head of cattle were shown at the event. There was also a food truck and the chapter gave out $2,700 in what they called “Christmas Cash” for the jackpot.

Brother Herd said they saw a lot of seasoned participants, all of which were youth. The chapter made the event open for anyone to join, whether it was their first time or their one hundredth. Brother Herd said the event was also open to college students and young adults.
He said the event was made possible by the 12 sponsors Beta Nu Chapter gathered. The chapter put in roughly $2,000. Brother Herd said the event was profitable because of the support of their sponsors, despite this being the first livestock show in a few years and only having two months to plan it.
Brother Herd said next year, he would like to see the event be bigger and better. Due to rain and cooler temperatures, the Beta Nu cattle show did not bring in as many spectators, but Brother Herd hopes that changes next year with better weather. He also said that next year he would like them to hold the event at a nicer venue, have more cash prizes and get their name out more.
He also mentioned that the event makes a great recruitment tool as it spreads the AGR name to sponsors and youth who participate. Brother Herd noted the experience youth can get from an event like the
“It's pretty cool to watch because it's something I did my entire life, and I still love it, and I still got to stay in the cattle industry,” Brother Herd said.
He noted how the event is unique on his campus because Beta Nu Chapter is the only agriculture fraternity on campus.
Several chapters across the U.S. also hold this event to spread the fun of agriculture and the name of AGR.
Beta Chapter held its annual AGR Holiday Classic December 6-8, which attendees could either watch in person or through a livestream online.
The AGR Holiday Classic was held at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio. The show consisted of two rings with two jackpots. Winners could receive cash prizes ranging from $100 to $1,000.

Funds raised by the event benefitted multiple organizations including Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Ohio Agribility and other forms of agriculture advancements through Buckeyethon, which is Ohio State’s Dance marathon fundraiser.
The chapter had several vendors at the event. One booth operated by Rural Roads Company, sold AGR Holiday Classic merchandise.

Kappa Chapter held their annual AGR Winter Preview Calf Show December 14. The chapter posted on social media about the event’s success, thanking its supporters, volunteers and participants. This year’s event was held December 13-14 at the Nebraska State Fair Grounds in Grand Island.
All participants were college-age or younger. The first day consisted of check-in and the 14th kicked off with the showmanship participants first in both rings. This was followed by the breeding category, and then the market category. Champions received payouts anywhere from $100 to $1,000.00
The chapter also held an online benefit auction December 4 with preferred stalling and other items that participants could purchase. These funds were donated to the Team Jack Foundation, a non-profit that provides funding to research a cure for childhood brain cancer.
The chapter had a successful show with two judges working the rings. Several young men and women attended either as the audience or as a participant.
Eta Chapter will hold The Classic cattle show with Block and Bridle March 14-16, 2025.
Brother Jack Showalter of Eta Chapter said the chapter is excited to see the turnout of the upcoming event. Last year, the chapter hosted roughly 150 participants and several vendors at the Jef & Deb Hanson Agricultural Student Learning Center on campus.
“It really brings the ag. community together in the central Iowa area,” Brother Showalter said. He also said the event really gives the chapter an opportunity to get their name out to the public and makes for a great recruitment tool.
The money raised by The Classic cattle show helps the chapter put on the event and provides scholarships to winners in every category. The chapter also sells premier parking spaces to participants to help raise money for the event.
The chapter and Block and Bridle are currently searching for sponsors to help fund the event. Sponsor levels range from Bronze, $50-$149.00, to Platinum, $500 or more. For more information, please reach them at [email protected].