News - AGRelevance
Alpha Gamma Rho Chapters Host Holiday Cattle Shows Across the U.S., Celebrating Youth, Agriculture, and Community Impact
Several chapters including Beta Chapter (Ohio State), Kappa Chapter (Nebraska-Lincoln), Eta Chapter (Iowa State), and Beta Nu Chapter (Texas A&M) have held or will be holding a cattle show this year. These shows have invited youth and young people to delve into agriculture while bringing the community together and supporting philanthropic causes.
Beta Sigma (Tarleton State) Hosts Angel Tree For Local Families
Beta Sigma Chapter, Tarleton State, held its annual Angle Tree event to raise the spirits of local families.
Lambda Chapter Hosts Date Auction in Support of 4H and FFA Youth
Lambda Chapter, University of Minnesota, raised funds for 4H and FFA youth in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
"A Billion People in the Shadows": AGR Brother Publishes Book About Disability Inclusion
Brother Doug McCullough, Beta Eta Chapter, Virginia Tech, published his first book, "A Billion People in the Shadows." His book takes a personal experience, along with stories from others, and gives a fresh perspective on what disibility inclusion should trule look like.
Family, Legacy and Go-Karts: Delta Chapter Legacies Race the Purdue Grand Prix
Brother Joe Booher and his father, Brother AJ Booher, have both represented AGR out on the track at the Purdue Grand Prix, in support of Purdue students' education.
5th Annual AGR Shootout Brings Brothers and Friends Together
Brothers, friends, family and potential new members participated in this year's Annual AGR Fall Shootout. A friendly competition was held along with a provided meal and memories to last a lifetime.
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