When considering the health, safety and overall well-being of our members, volunteers, delegates, staff and guests into consideration, it was evident that the 66th AGR National Convention could not be held in its normal in-person format this year. Despite this, Alpha Gamma Rho is still dedicated to providing its members with the opportunity to connect with their brothers, engage in workshops and be recognized for their success.
July 20-23, 2020, the Alpha Gamma Rho National Convention will be held—virtually. Chapters and brothers will be recognized for their Fraternal Excellence Awards and Scholarships through social media posts and everyone has the opportunity to take part in the Educational Foundation’s Online Auction throughout the week.
We are committed to providing engaging brotherhood development activities, so on Tuesday, July 21, in the evening, Breakout Sessions will be held to build upon brothers’ knowledge in recruitment, professional development and more.
Round One 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM CST:
Do your Part to Broaden AGR’s Recruitment Base, presented by Dipal Chaudhari (Bayer & Task Force Chairman): Over the past year, Alpha Gamma Rho has engaged AGR alumni, agricultural industry leaders, higher education professionals and National Fraternity volunteers to examine our current membership demographics. Learn from the Task Force Chairman on the group’s findings, recommendations and learn how Your chapter may target additional student populations who are eligible for membership and reflect our Fraternity’s values.
Storytelling for a Stronger Chapter Experience, presented by Shannon Kehoe (AGR Home Office) and Lane Morrison (Eta Chapter Undergraduate): In the last year, Alpha Gamma Rho has unveiled a new look and feel that treasures its rich history while propelling our Fraternity forward. With additional branding resources, chapters can implement these resources into their social platforms, promotional materials and other items while following guidelines. Likewise, learn from the Fraternity’s Communications Manager as well as from our collegiate members on how to better position your chapter’s accomplishments to your alumni, campus peers, university administration and prospective new members about the value-added experiences members receive by being associated with Alpha Gamma Rho.
Recruitment Roundtable, facilitated by Home Office Staff and Regional Vice Presidents: Through an open discussion-based format, learn from your peers on how other chapters are engaging with prospective new members despite not being able to meet in person. Interact with other VNR's of Recruitment, share best practices and learn about additional resources for chapters to consider when recruiting new members.
Round Two 6:15 – 7:15 PM CST
Engaging your Alumni Base Throughout the Year, presented by Aaron Parker (Pennington): Timely communication with your chapter’s alumni base is important to promote lifelong engagement. During this session, learn from one of the interfraternal world’s leading experts in alumni engagement initiatives and how you cultivate relationships, use print and digital communications and other methods to keep your alumni informed.
The Future of Housing Facilities: How do we promote living-learning communities while keeping health and safety top of mind? Presented by CSL Management: Once chapters can return to campus, what will this mean for our chapter facilities? CSL Management is a leader in Greek housing management and will provide alumni corporations and other entities on new health and wellness guidelines, industry trends and other methods to keep chapter facilities functioning while protecting the health of our members.
Planning Ahead for Life After College, presented by Tim Hammerich (AgGrad): Better days are ahead, and full-time jobs and internships will be available again; now is the time to prepare. Through this session, attendees will learn how to put their best foot forward, position campus and real-world experiences when applying for jobs and ways to stand out from the rest of the competition.
2020 has been a year full of twists and turns, knocking people around and changing the way many of us see the future. Wednesday Evening’s Panel Discussion brings key players to the table to discuss what the future may hold, specifically for those members who are still determining what their careers could be.
“Employment Through a Pandemic: Agricultural Careers for Gen Zers Amid COVID-19” is being co-hosted by Alpha Gamma Rho and Agriculture Future of America (AFA) and panelists include:
- Brett Sciotto, President and CEO of Aimpoint Research
- Lisa Safarian, President, North America, Bayer Crop Science
- Ruth Kimmelshue, SR VP Business Operations and Supply Chain
- Mark Stewart, President & CEO, Agriculture Future of America (AFA)
The event will be moderated by Charlene Finck, President of Farm Journal.
While all aspects of the agricultural industry have been impacted, none have experienced this more than those currently enrolled or recently graduated from college, our Gen Z members. Where some have been able to begin their careers through virtual experiences, many are still searching for their first job amid historic unemployment rates and a severe economic downturn in the agricultural industry. The reality we are faced with is many normal operating procedures before the pandemic is no longer relevant, and new ways of conducting business and engaging with our peers are still being defined.
Technology will play a vital role when interacting with co-workers, clients, customers, and key stakeholders. The time to prepare for a job in the wake of a pandemic is now. Using the expertise of our panelists, we will discuss ways the next generation of agricultural leaders can become career-ready today and innovate the industry tomorrow.
Thursday, July 23 will hold a Business Session and the Hall of Fame and Chapter Awards Program. Both of these sessions some of the most important business of the Fraternity will be conducted and recognized, including the three Hall of Fame Inductees.
We look forward to “seeing” everyone virtually throughout the Convention. We urge each of you to register for the event and take part in a pivotal moment as the Fraternity takes on its first-ever virtual National Convention.