Bingo For Brotherhood

March 27, 2025 | Posted In AGRelevance

Beta Psi Chapter at Delaware Valley held their second bingo night February 27, where they raised funds to support the chapter’s attendance at National Alpha Gamma Rho Events and boosting AGR merchandise within the chapter.

Brother Sam Everett, the Noble Ruler at the Chapter said the event was a fun time for everyone, including the brothers who worked the event. 

“Most of our events are fun,” Brother Everett said. “It’s a good bonding time for the brothers.” 

He said the event was supported by local businesses that donated funds to help pay for the prizes given out at the event. The chapter ran a 50/50 raffle at the door, sold bingo books and cards, food and drinks. Beta Psi Chapter also put together 10 prizes people could receive for getting a bingo.

Beta Psi Chapter had a great time running bingo night and sharing quality time together while hosting.

Many of these gifts were themed baskets including a fishing basket, a lottery ticket basket, a snack basket, Yeti cups and more. They also held a $300 gift card bingo raffle that they began a month prior to the event and drew a winner the night of the event.

Brother Everett said there were roughly 60 people in attendance with many people flowing in and out during the event. He said most attendees were students or faculty at Delaware Valley, showing the campus’ support for the Beta Psi Chapter.

He said the chapter collected roughly $1,000 from selling the bingo books, bingo cards and snacks will go towards two items. The first is to help build up a budget to fund Beta Psi Chapter attending National Events like Top Leaders Institute, Recruitment Schools and more. Brother Everett also said he has been looking at creating more merchandise for the brothers. With the funds from bingo night, he can look into providing more merchandise options for the chapter members. 

He said he hopes that the merchandise will help entice potential new members when the chapter hosts their stands for recruitment. 

Brother Everett said the chapter looks forward to hosting future bingo events, but he would like to see more community members in attendance. He said next year he plans to utilize community social media pages to share the event and hang posters around town in hopes of enticing more of the community to drop by.

His advice to other chapters that may want to host a bingo night of their own is to have prizes secured at least a week before the event so that chapters don’t have to find prizes last-minute. He said to make sure to have a bingo card price sheet if selling individual bingo cards and anything else that needs to be printed. 

Brothers who weren’t running the event came out and played a few rounds of bingo.

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